How do I boost my FIFA13 pro quickly?
This was the question I asked myself straight away. In FIFA 12 your pro offline is the same as online. In FIFA 13 your pro is seperate for each mode to stop people hacking them. So it looks like you just have to go into clubs and play games in teams to develop quick! Well not quite. When you setup a club or join one there is an option in the club screen to “Drop-In Match”. This is the same as in 12 where your pro plays in 11 v 11 games online. Everyone jumps in to get the positions or as any. As shown here in FIFA 13.
So rather than playing against lots of people with their pros who will run around like crazy not passing back out of the game. Go back into “Drop in match” and try to find a game where only 1 person is there. Usually they will play as it means they can pass it to their pro all the time. As selecting any you can control all the players. So look for a screen like the one below and select ready.
When in the loading screen send a message to the opponent asking if want to boost anything on their pro and you will give their pro the ball. They will always say yes if you have been polite! Then take it in turns with your pro doing what you need. Shooting, passing, dribbling, tackling or if you are a keeper. Can also dribble past to unlock the skills using ball rolls. Look at the skills page for the 2 star skills on the site that you can do straight away to beat players. You can also arrange for a friend to go to the “Drop-In match” at the same time and you can do it even easier. Have to both press ready before anyone else tries to join.
And there we go. Here is a couple of screenies showing us asking and the response. Like and follow on twitter.
Hi does anyone know how to play
drop in matches with your friend
so we can Take it in turns to do pro
Boost plz help
Boost pros ? What do you need
hi how do you play as a gaalie as your pro to boost your accomplishments
Hi everyone how do i invite a friend to a drop in match on pro xbox live. We are both in the same club but we want to be able to both play in the same drop in match
forget this, my pro is a 89ST ive done 91% accomplishments by playing every day and playing well, boosters suck ass. BUT if u do want to boost get 3 of your friends, you and 1 friend make a new club in division 10, as does your other two friends, u will have to have a game each in goals to both get accomplishments, once u both have a team 1 go in goals the other go on any with their guy in the preferred position, u need to set matchmaking regions to the same and match the any spot and goalkeeper then search for a game at the exact same time, u should find eachother right away, then play. to make it easy have a half each of doing ur accomplishments, the defending guy on any should constantly bash up on the dpad playing the offside trap making it v easy for the attacking team to score, and the goalkewepers just go stand by the corner flags (be careful not to let you pro get timed out, always press a button now n then) there u go u lazy newbie cheaters, and by the way your overall rating does not make him good you need need a good match rating to play well, this wont make you good on the game just give you a better overall, noobs
Please I need help from someone, Im even writing to EA on this…
I just want to know if I can arrange online tournaments with my friends online. Exemple:
4 friends online, each on ther console, we arrange a tournament and the game will make the matches and all like if we were offlline in the same console. Is that posible? So one of us can win the tournament??
Excusme my english, not my language.
If someone is so kind me and my friends will be veeeery glad
You can do it but not in Ultimate Team. You can set up head to head leagues and anyone online can join it or just people you decide.
One thing I find really stupid is that i’m not able to view my pro’s full stats without having to be captain and check it quickly during a game.
If anyone knows how to do it or heard any news about an update that fixes the problem please share
Hey, i was wondering if you could post the base stats for every position/player type… might be a lot, or do you know of somewhere I can find that information?
They are all on Ultimate.db check the UT player prices page 🙂
Don’t like this. It’s against the spirit of the game.
I can see your point but for clubs players who don’t have as much time to play hundreds of games to improve their pro its the only way. For competitive clubs players who have jobs and families pros need to be as high as possible in the shortest time. Mainly because kids at uni etc have hours of free time to play hundreds of online games and get their pros up high in just a week or two. Creates an unfair balance otherwise online as lots of kids with afro pros run around like crazy at warp speed and makes the game less enjoyable. Always been against hacking pros that was just wrong.