How to master passing in FIFA

how to master passing in fifa

How to master passing in FIFA 21

This is how to master passing in FIFA 21. The passing assistance is more power based than direction. You will become much better at passing in FIFA by following these guides. Same in every FIFA if you hold power down for 3 bars the game thinks you want to pass the ball to a player further away than if you hold it down for 1 bar. Even if you are aiming in a slightly different direction towards a player close by. This is shown in the video we made on this page. We all love and hate FIFA mainly due to a few obvious issues. Our FIFA 1-2-3-4 passing method combined with learning the passing meter and indicator will help improve your game.

Best FIFA passing settings

These are the best FIFA 21 controller settings for passing. Basically setting any manual makes the game too hard. We have used manual lob assistance in the past to attempt to have more control over the game but it is so hard with how EA made the passing. Power being more dominant than direction makes passing a bit of a mess compared to say PES where passing is really really good.

FIFA 21 controller settings

FIFA passing power indicator

The power bar and indicator. Sounds obvious but how FIFA passing works isn’t quite as smooth as it should be. When you have assisted passing on the game tries to decides things. Which is dangerous as we all have found. Especially when there is also passing power assistance too. Which is always off when online. This means you have to press the button for what the game thinks is the right amount of time for a perfect pass. We recommend going into offline matches on beginner level and pass and pass and pass until comfortable that you can get the green power bar close to the white indicator. As you can see below Hummels might get his pass to the player he wants but it could be intercepted as button wasn’t pressed long enough to hit the indicator.


FIFA 1-2-3-4 method

Decide if you are going to pass to nearest player (no1), next player distance wise (no2), or the next guy further away but in direction off pass (no3), or the furtherst player (no4) if 4 in a row on the pitch. It may sound simple but it is slightly harder to master than you might think. Also easy to confuse the passing power meter which has 4 sections with the number of players in a row (up to 4 at any one time). We are going by the number of players so if we want to pass to 3rd furthest player from us in same direction we say 3. While adding the right amount of power for it to get past players 1 and 2. So below we want to pass it to the player on the edge of the box missing out the player closest. We say 2 in our head and make the pass.


FIFA passing tutorial video

This video below shows how to pass successfully in any version of FIFA. Using the steps above these simple techniques with practice can make you a much better FIFA player. We know it isn’t always that simple online with lag and button delay and strange gameplay. But lets not worry about that here as when it is good our passing averages 90%. We have many pages on how to help solve issues and the causes. FIFA lag fix for example