FIFA Free kick tutorial

fifa23 free kick tutorial

FIFA free kick tutorial. Master different types of free kick in FIFA 23

Learn how to score the different types of free kick in FIFA 23. Our free kick tutorials give explanations and videos to help you improve. Scoring more free kicks can help you have an advantage over your opponent.

Selecting the right free kick taker

Use the best free kick taker you have to make the process easier. To see who is most likely to succeed, look on the free kick selector menu once you have a free kick by holding RT. Select a player with a high FK accuracy, 80+ is usually good, as getting the kick on target is your main priority. A high power and curve stat can also be beneficial. Players can also have specialities which include free-kicks so use them! Some also have power free kicks so check your players capabilities before you go into games. Also practice taking a few in the skill games or kick off mode if you have 2 controllers.

OP free kick method in FIFA23

OP free kick tutorial from @zelonius on how to take and score curved free kicks to score lots. Knowing where to aim and how much power is the key to success. But also being aware of the distance and what curve stat your players have.

FIFA 23 Knuckleball free kick tutorial

The FIFA 23 knuckleball tutorial from @TFVGAMING_ on how to take and score knuckleball free kicks

Our favourite type of free kick which can rocket into the goal. Look for a player with longshot trait and powerful shot

How to do every free kick in FIFA 23

FIFA 23 video by @TFVGAMING_ showing how to do every type of free kick in FIFA 23.

How to score free kick trick in FIFA 23

Same as all previous FIFAs this clever free kick works well in FIFA 23. As long as your opponent doesn’t cover the gap. Video still relevant by @inceptionXx we have used it over and over again across every FIFA.

How to defend free kicks in FIFA

When defending free kicks you can also move the wall towards the taker by pressing A (Xbox) or X (PS). Because they move forward you might be told off or even get a booking though. You can make the wall jump by pressing Y or Triangle. If you move defenders into the wall the player will stay in the wall. It is also possible to drag them out of the wall manual switching player using using LB or L1. Manually move players onto the goal line in the corner to try stop the methods above. We do this a lot in games as it is useful. Watch out for that pass to the side of the wall otherwise you could become the victim. LT/L2 and RT/R2 move the wall further to each side.

FIFA free kick tips:

  • 1. Try to build a team with at least one set piece specialist
  • 2. Know your players before you play game. Curve stat etc
  • 3. Select the best free kick taker for the type of free kick
  • 4. Practice in skill games until scoring 75% of shots
  • 5. Learn how to do the clever free kick to catch out your opponent
  • 6. Against better players mix it up lots to keep them guessing