FC25 live streams FIFA
The best FC25 FIFA live streams for entertainment and learning in our opinion. Highly recommend watching to enjoy the game or learn lots about the game. Watch lots of Ultimate team and the new Rush mode, with the best players in game. Big pack openings and events. And of course Pro Clubs including the famous Girth and Turf. Feel part of a large community having a laugh and learning how to play, skill and trade. Lots of these streamers do an amazing job helping the community and even EA improve their game.
If you want to become a better FIFA player or even a Pro player watch and learn from some of the best as they share their tactics and how they play. Remember to follow us on twitter to keep up to date with FC25.
If streams are muted to start with please switch on the audio of any or all of the streams as required. If there is a twitch notice and countdown just let it go down to zero and the stream will appear. Sometimes they are updating their servers.
Best FC25 streamers FIFA:

Castro twitch streams fifa 22
Castro @Castro1021 is one of the best FC25 streamers for entertainment. He has been the most successfull FIFA streamer over the last few years and great to watch. Usual schedule 6pm – 12am GMT+1 most nights at the start of FC25
Alexbeeofficial twitch streams FC25 FIFA
The FIFA Analyst alexbeeofficial is one of the best players to learn from for. A very high level FIFA player who coaches people live on stream. Usual schedule 12pm – 4pm GMT+1 every day except Wed and Sat. Check out lots of his previous streams if not live.
Bateson87 twitch streams FC25 FIFA
Bates @bateson87 has been one of our favourite FIFA streamers over many years. Has shown what hard work and determination can achieve. Usual schedule 10am – 4pm GMT+1 every day.
Runthefutmarket twitch streams FC25 FIFA
Nick @runthefutmarket is a great trader and streamer to learn from. And also really good player too. Schedule usually between 4pm – 11pm GMT+1 most days.
MattHDgamer twitch streams FC25 FIFA
Matt @MattHDGamer is a fantastic streamer with lots of interaction. Also takes lots of the community feedback to EA. Schedule recently has been 7am to 12pm GMT+1 various days.
BorasLegend twitch streams FC25 FIFA
Ivan @ivanlapanje is an excellent pro level player who creates lots of guides. Many feature across the site. Streams any time from 12pm GMT+1 onwards most days
Zweback twitch streams FC25 FIFA
Zwe @ZwebackHD is one of the best FC25 streamers and entertainers. He has been one of the most creative streamers over the years with FIFA. Brilliant humour and content around the game. Usually streams from 10pm GMT+1 daily
R9Rai twitch streams FC25 FIFA
Danny @r9rai is an amazing FC25 FIFA skiller to learn from or just watch and enjoy. Also plays lots of games and FUT champions on stream rather than menus. Usual schedule 7am – 11am GMT+1 daily.
ShaunaGames twitch streams FC25 FIFA
Shauna @ShaunaGames is one of the few female FIFA streamers. Very good at the game and likes to skill. Lots of entertaining interaction in streams. Usual schedule 9:30pm – 1:30am GMT+1 daily
Nepenthez twitch streams FC25 FIFA
Nep @NepentheZ could be in either category but talks a lot about the content and game. Having been in the community for many years has a lot of FIFA experience. Waiting for his FC25 schedule as he has been more on youtube recently for FC24.
Angryginge13 twitch streams FC25 FIFA
Morgan @angryginge13 grew quickly as an entertaining streamer. Now over 1 million twitch followers and the creator of the famous Girth and Turf Pro Clubs team. Usually streams from 5pm GMT+1 most days
Tekkz twitch streams FC25 FIFA
Tekkz @Tekkz is one of the best Pro FIFA players in the world. Also loves a skill or two when the game lets him. Hasn’t streamed for a while but hoping now FC25 live he will.
It would be lovely if you guys come host my stream im streaming fifa 15 FUT
Only really add people who mainly stream FIFA. Would also need to watch your streams lots before adding here.