Ultimate Team secrets

Ultimate team Secrets

Ultimate team secrets are those tips and tricks you might not have seen. Not everyone sits on twitter, instagram and tik-tok etc all the time. Keep checking back to see if anything new added. As relevant new posts are added to the site they will feature here. Follow us on twitter to find everything FIFA and get in touch.

1. Lengthy players FUT 23

The big new feature taking Ultimate team by storm in FIFA 23 is Lengthy Players. The actual feature is called acceleRATE which determines a players running speed type. Explosive, controlled or Lengthy. To read all about how effective Lengthy acceleRATE styles are click on the image or this link.


2. Buy players after the weekend

Generally player prices rise building up to the weekend. Buy them late Sunday or early in the week when the prices drop. Rising again for SBCs and the next weekend league. Always check prices on sites like futbin and futwiz where you can see the weekly and monthly sales graphs.

3. Managers in FIFA 23

As you know managers give chemistry from league and nation but there is a reason for having as many managers as possible. Managers if you look at them will say Negotiations with a percentage (shown below). This means if you own them every time you add a contract to a player they add the percentage on their card. Ten managers in your club all with negotiations +1% this will add 10% of any contract card to a player on top of the contract value. A 28 gold contract with the extra 10% will therefore add a 30 contract.


4. How to save shots in Ultimate team

This is a simple one and should be used by all FIFA players. Press the shoot button and move the left stick to make saves. Moving the left stick in the direction of the shot. Keepers will then perform amazing saves and your opponent will be saying how did he save that!!